Reinventing the Factory Stack


Industry 4.0 is many things, Middleware, Analytics, Cloud, Additive, IOT Communications and much more.  The greatest challenge in the adoption of these new technologies, primarily revolves around two things, education and implementation costs.  Of the two, implementation costs are the greatest barrier.  It just costs too much to layer advanced analytics (and other Industry 4.0 technologies) onto an existing infrastructure.  This is where CESMII comes in.  By defining a standardized namespace, enabling crowd sourcing and sharing of those information models, type and symmantic information, through a marketplace, users will be able to leverage plug and play within industrial automation environments.  This is ever more relevant for the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that make up over 98% of global manufacturing.  Enabling the adoption of Industry 4.0, Industrie 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, common terms for the next wave of innovation that is upon us.

The Industry 4.0 marketplace is made up of many existing companies, adding or pivoting with technology, and a wide variety of relatively new companies.  The following Infographic highlights that new ecosystem.  It is the CESMII mission, to enable the next wave of innovation, by enabling all these companies to deliver their solutions to the entire market, not just the best and brightest of the Fortune 500 that are capable today.

Industry 4.0 Ecosystem

Credit for this image goes to Robin Dechant.  Learm more about Robin through this Blog – Industry 4.0 – Reinventing the Factory Stack