SM Marketplace
A repository of best-in-class implementations of Smart Manufacturing Principles, SM Profiles, SM Applications, and SM Hardware.
Welcome to The Smart Manufacturing Marketplace, where end users and manufacturers can find smart manufacturing solutions to jumpstart their Industrie 4.0 journey. Our members across multiple industry verticals have expertly curated all the listings in our SM Marketplace. As a result, they are ready for integration with the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform Core.
CESMII’s SM Marketplace
Quickly find validated SM Profiles and crowd-sourced Applications giving manufacturers access to ready-to-use solutions such as Energy, Efficiency, and Predictive Analytics.
Using these solutions will directly, broadly, and significantly impact Manufacturing & Energy Productivity.

The numbers
As a benefit to our CESMII members, we are currently onboarding new Smart Manufacturing Profiles, Apps, and Hardware, with new listings added weekly. As new inquiries come in, these marketplace leads are passed along to our members, allowing them to interact with the end-user or system integrator to provide the necessary steps to democratize Smart Manufacturing.
SM Profiles
Standards-based approach for industrial asset information models that provide the ability to move “data-in-context” from source to consumption, and between components that consume the data to provide a solution.
Applications developed against open APIs are fully portable between Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform Core (SMIP) instances and to other platforms that implement the API and SM Profiles.
SM Hardware
At the Edge, the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform Core (SMIP) uses a connector that acts as a proxy for connected assets that cannot (or should not) directly communicate with an information system.