“Don’t let anybody tell you it can’t be done. Because it can be.”

Matt Townsend

VP of Digital Transformation, Medtronic

Welcome to Season 2 of Smart Manufacturing Mindset™ from CESMII!

We’re changing a few things up this season to take a deeper look at the many facets of Smart Manufacturing (SM). This month, we’re talking about  one of the most critical factors for success: leadership. It’s not just about setting a vision—it’s about driving real impact and sustaining momentum over time.

This episode brings together industry leaders who have successfully led transformation efforts. You’ll hear the strategies that separate leaders who ignite lasting change from those who struggle to gain traction.

Download the full episode wherever you get your podcasts – Apple or Spotify – or watch via YouTube.  

Top 5 Takeaways

  1. It’s critical to get alignment around your company’s definition of SM. We’ve heard time and again that SM is more than just technology, and our podcast uncovered that the definition also changes depending on where you sit in your organization. To be successful you need everyone from executives to front line workers to believe in and take ownership of SM.
  2. Meet people where they are. When it comes to getting buy-in for Smart Manufacturing, you’ll need to consider all levels of your organization. Having a vision is one thing but translating that into action requires business-wide support.
  3. The key to a sound SM implementation strategy is your people. Resistance to change rarely happens when technology is ready, but it certainly can happen when your team isn’t. SM centers around mindset, processes, and improvements that will continue long into your future.
  4. Surround yourself with balanced talent. Smart Manufacturing brings together IT, OT, supply chain, ecosystem partners, and much more. Find and test use cases and apply a solid framework before you implement technology.
  5. Technology doesn’t drive transformation, leaders do. The most successful leaders don’t just set strategy, they create an environment where people feel invested in the business decisions and changes that are happening around them.

For more insights, be sure to tune into the full episode on Apple or Spotify.

Special thanks to our panelists:

🎙️ Anthony Huffman, VP of Manufacturing IT at  Georgia Pacific

🎙️ Matt Townsend, VP of Digital Transformation at Medtronic

🎙️ Craig Sutton, VP of Industry 4.0 at Eaton

🎙️ Jeff Winter, Host and Smart Manufacturing Advisor at CESMII