THE Home of Smart Manufacturing
September 2019 Newsletter
CESMII SM Platform™ DEMO DAYS 2019
Meet CESMII Leaders and get a Demonstration of the Smart Manufacturing Platform™
Join CESMII’s HQ and regional leaders for your exposure to CESMII’s SM Platform – a centerpiece of CESMII’s Technology Roadmap since our institute’s inception – and CESMII’ framing of SM as a pillar to competitive manufacturer performance.
Each Regional Manufacturing Center Director (RMC) Director will host Jonathan Wise, VP, Technology, and Mike Yost, Outreach Leader, who are two of the CESMII leaders entrusted with driving our nation’s efforts to democratize Smart Manufacturing technologies and knowledge. Join them as they present valuable insights and information through formal presentations and informal town hall-style discussions.
Registration is required for each event.
  • Western RMC – October 17, 2019 at El Camino College Business Center. Please contact for more details.
  • Northern RMC – October 22, 2019 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Register here.
  • Southern RMC – October 28, 2019 at Hilton Garden Inn – Houston Bush Intercontinental Airport. Please contact for more details.
for more information
Provisional Patent Filed for CESMII SM Platform
CESMII Leadership and Inventors, Jim Davis CIO Advisor, John Dyck CEO, Haresh Malkani, CTO, Prakashan Korambath CESMII Member, and Jonathan Wise, VP Technology, recently filed for the provisional patent for the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Platform. 
The Platform will provide manufacturers the ability to connect to data sources, ingest that data, assign context to it, store it in an organized fashion, and make it available to manufacturing software applications from the SM marketplace. The SM platform will focus on Operational Technology (OT) capabilities and applications that are made available on a hyper scale Information Technology (IT) cloud platform union of in a Software-as-a-Service model. The SM Platform, SM Profiles and SM Apps can all be provisioned from the SM Marketplace for use by CESMII’s members.

“Just as CESMII is the home of smart manufacturing, we need this to be the platform of smart manufacturing. The cost and time to implement needs to be reduced drastically, compared to the traditional approaches of $1 million and 12 months just to get started.”

Chris Damsgard, General Mills
Los Angeles Mayor’s Manufacturing Summit:
CESMII’s Role for the Future of LA Manufacturers
CESMII will play an integral role in Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s
Manufacturing Summit
on Tuesday, October 15, 2019. CESMII was launched in 2017 with strong support of the Mayor’s Office, and that working partnership continues to strengthen.
As part of National Manufacturing Month, Mayor Garcetti and his team will lay out their vision and programs for manufacturing in Los Angeles, and include regional partners, such as Goodwill Industries for their expertise with manufacturing apprenticeship programs and CESMII for Smart Manufacturing technology leadership. CESMII’s senior leadership team will actively participate, with CEO John Dyck presenting his vision, plans and deliverables for the institute and how they will empower manufacturers of all sizes, within Los Angeles and beyond. Mr. Dyck will be joined by Western RMC Director, Dale Turner, and solution partner Atollogy’s President, Rob Schoenthaler, as they demonstrate the value of the Atollogy solution and CESMII SM Platform™ on real-world production assets at WET Design. WET Design is an innovative, LA-based manufacturer and global leader in
water feature design
who will host the day’s event. 
Space is limited and reservations are required. To register, click
RFP-2, Wave 2 Notice of Intent Coming Soon
CESMII will soon be offering two additional Request for Proposals. RFP-2, Wave2 is expected to be released soon. Say tuned and look in your in-box for more detailed information.
Education & Workforce Development (EWD) Workshop
Work continues on CESMII’s EWD framework, as a small team of the Outreach Standing Committee met recently in Irvine, CA for a face-to-face working session. Output from the workshop will impact the EWD portion of the institute’s roadmap, training plan, project calls and additional future deliverables. 
To learn more about the Outreach Standing Committee or to join the committee, please contact Mike Yost, CESMII Outreach Advisor, by email at
Manufacturing USA Release Annual Report

Manufacturing USA
 released its 
2018 Annual Report
, describing innovations underway at the 14 Manufacturing USA institutes, with member organizations across the country focused on technology and workforce development.
CESMII Features Prominently at
CESMII regional, headquarters and executive leaders played an important role in the recent SYSPRO WAVE customer conference event in Huntington Beach, CA. David Corcio, Dale Turner and Haresh Malkani were on-site for the three-day event, presenting the CESMII story, announcing a working collaboration, moderating a C-level customer panel, opening cocktail-reception discussions and exhibiting in the exhibition hall. 
The event was held September 11-13 and invited like minded manufacturers and distributors to think outside the box and concentrate on how to make improvements within and beyond their role. CESMII CTO Haresh Malkani represented CESMII as the moderator of a general session, C-level customer panel, which provided insights on important trends necessary to succeed in today’s manufacturing and distribution environment. The panel discussed practical approaches to navigating digital transformation and Industry 4.0 across various industries, trends that real-world companies are seeing and insights into must-haves for preparing businesses to thrive far into the future. 
Haresh and CESMII Western RMC Director, Dale Turner, then presented a breakout session about our institute entitled, “Get SMART: CESMII is Accelerating U.S. Advanced Manufacturing”. The presentation highlighted why CESMII is the manufacturer’s voice of innovation in the U.S., with a mission of helping U.S. manufacturers compete globally. The team demonstrated how CESMII is leading industry-driven development in advanced sensing, control, modeling, analytics, and the creation of a collaborative, open, and secure Smart Manufacturing (SM) Platform and Marketplace. 
And, throughout the event, David Corcio manned the CESMII exhibition booth, engaging with conference attendees and articulating the value of joining CESMII’s efforts to democratize Smart Manufacturing for all U.S. manufacturers. Way to go, team!
Mark your calendars for CESMII’s next 20 minute Webcast Series!
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 @ 11:30am Eastern/8:30am Pacific our guest will be Jim Davis, UCLA’s Vice Provost of Information Technology & Chief AcademicTechnology Officer, and Principal Investigator for CESMII, and we’ll explore “
What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like to Jim Davis?
Join CESMII as we engage the entire US Manufacturing ecosystem in regular discussions about what Smart Manufacturing is, what it isn’t, who’s finding value, who’s falling behind and anything else that is important to you. Mike Yost hosts 20-minute webinars the 2
and 4
Wednesdays of every month to frame the dialogue with you.
Want to share your views and be a guest on an upcoming webcast? Email Mike Yost (
) to submit your name or recommend others whose voice you feel should be heard. With so many diverse perspectives in our ecosystem, we want to welcome them all!
Did you know you can still view this web series on our
channel? In case you missed the September 25, 2019 web series with guest Tom Comstock from LNS Research Global, please click
to view it. Tom discusses the topic of
Smart Manufacturing as part of an Industrial Transformation.
Recommended Reading: Adjusting Your Manufacturing Management Style by Generation
Wondering about how to get the most out of your workforce? Read this
as it provides an important perspective on millennials and post-millennials and what motivates them for the manufacturing workforce.
MathWorks – FREE Software
 and Support

CESMII’s partnership with MarthWorks entitles our members to one-year free access to the products and services below:
  • Simulink®,
  • Nearly 100 Add-on Products for specializes tasks such as machine learning, data analysis, image processing, etc.,
  • Technical, Installation and Customer Support.
Once all questions have been answered to the best of your ability, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to access your free software (typically 1-2 business days). For any questions about this program, please email
MESA International – Free & Discounted Online Smart Manufacturing Training
MESA International, a CESMII strategic educational partner, announced it would offer free and discounted access to MESA online courses for CESMII members. These online courses include Smart Manufacturing Justification and ROI, and The Journey to Smart Manufacturing.
If you haven’t already redeemed your free Smart Manufacturing online training courses, contact David Corcio (
) today to get your online code and to learn how to get additional, discounted seats for your colleagues .
Join CESMII’s New LinkedIn Group –
The Smart Manufacturing Community
Want to continue the conversation on Smart Manufacturing? Then join our LinkedIn Group,
CESMII: The Smart Manufacturing Community.
Missed the previous web casts? Click
to view them in their entirety.
Members play a vital role in shaping direction, programs and deliverables through active participation in CESMII Standing Committees. Qualified volunteers are being sought for a relaunch of:
  • Outreach Standing Committee, which is focused on Education & Workforce Development (EWD) strategy, programs and deliverables. Contact Mike Yost (
  • Business Processes Standing Committee, which centers on the performance and financial strategies needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the institute. Contact Howard Goldberg (
Contact CESMII today and lend your voice to these important leadership bodies!
CESMII is the United States’ national institute on Smart Manufacturing, entrusted to make one thing happen – make Smart Manufacturing a reality for everyone who touches American manufacturing. Our ecosystem is inclusive by design, and everyone has a role to play. Come find yours!
October 7-8, 2019 – New York State Innovation Summit
CESMII NRMC Craig Dory will present CESMII to the NYS ecosystem and will host a match making WFD event for both CESMII and NYS funding opportunities.
October 9, 2019 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing
CESMII Join us for our next installment of with CESMII guest Jim Davis UCLA’s Vice Provost, Information Technology, Chief Academic Technology Officer, and Principal Investigator for CESMII, as we explore “What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like to Jim Davis?”  
October 15, 2019 – Los Angeles Manufacturing Summit
CESMII’s CEO John Dyck and WRMC Director Dale Turner will present their vision and value of SM to the LA manufacturing community.
October 17, 2019 – WRMC Demo Day
Join CESMII’s HQ and regional leader, Dale Turner, as we demonstrate the SM Platform and discuss SM technologies and engagement in an informal townhall-style discussions. Please contact for more details.
October 22, 2019 – NRMC Demo Day
Join CESMII’s HQ and regional leader, Craig Dory as we demonstrate the SM Platform and discuss SM technologies and engagement in an informal townhall-style discussions.
is required.
October 22, 2019 – 2019 TMAC Smart Manufacturing Conference
CESMII CEO, John Dyck, provides the morning Keynote Presentation entitled, “The Democratization of Smart Manufacturing”.
October 23, 2019 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing
CESMII Join us for our next installment of with CESMII guest Doug Lawson President of ThinkIQ as we explore “
What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like to Doug Lawson?
October 28, 2019 – SRMC Demo Day
Join CESMII’s HQ and regional leader, Scott Miller, as we demonstrate the SM Platform and discuss SM technologies and engagement in an informal townhall-style discussions. Please contact for more details.
10250 Constellation Boulevard, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007613.
Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Niether the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness