Building Machine Profiles for the SM Platform™ Project Lead: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Member % Cost Share: 100%CESMII % Cost Share: 0%Duration: 18 Months Problem Statement Most small to medium-size manufacturing (SMM’s) companies lack the necessary resources...
Edge Computing for MTConnect Machine and Process Monitoring for AI-Based PHM Project Lead: TechSolve, Inc.Partners: Spirit Aerosystems, Caron Engineering Member % Cost Share: 100%CESMII % Cost Share: 0%Duration: 18 Months Problem Statement Across many industries,...
Onboarding SMMs to Smart Manufacturing Through CESMII Project Lead: Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. Member % Cost Share: 100%CESMII % Cost Share: 0%Duration: 12 Months Problem Statement Small-medium size manufacturers (SMMSs) in the U.S. are not...