Building Machine Profiles for the SM Platform™

Project Lead: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Member % Cost Share: 100%
CESMII % Cost Share: 0%
Duration: 18 Months
Problem Statement
Most small to medium-size manufacturing (SMM’s) companies lack the necessary resources to effectively implement a Smart Manufacturing program to gain a justifiable return on investment. SMMs make use of numerous legacy manufacturing and machine tool systems, most without a means of collecting meaningful operational data.
Project Goal
The primary objective of this project is to develop CESMII profiles for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools. The profiles are intended to collect/ingest and contextualize operational data from legacy and current CNC machine tools.
Technical Approach
The project will be led and coordinated by the Design Lab at Rensselaer. Multidisciplinary student Capstone project team(s) will design and develop a profile for the Smart Manufacturing Platform Profiles in a two-semester effort. A project plan and list of deliverables will be created by the teams at the outset of each semester. The MILL will provide the technical resources, equipment, and approach to support this project.
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
- CNC Machine SM Profile
- Tool Maintenance Module

Potential Impact
- Demonstrate how SMM’s can deploy SM technologies in a production environment typical of that found in thousands of manufacturing facilities across the country.
- Demonstrate how machine profiles can be more readily developed and imported into the CESMII platform for the broader use of the manufacturing community.
This project will directly address CESMII’s goal of “showcasing, demonstrating and validating the use of SM technologies” specifically targeted at the SMM sector in ways that will increase adoption and improve their productivity, competitiveness and energy efficiency. This will enable CESMII to more quickly scale its engagement of the SMM community.