Factory 4.0 Educational Toolkit

Project Lead: Pennsylvania State University
Partners: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Arconic
Member % Cost Share: 30%
CESMII % Cost Share: 70%
Duration: 12 Months
Problem Statement
Rapid pace of technology development has left educational systems scrambling to keep pace and adapt learning outcomes, resulting in inadequate preparedness and readiness of workforce at all levels.
Project Goal
To develop an instrumented bench scale extrusion kit and platform that can be integrated into education modules (labs, projects, class materials).
Technical Approach
Creation of a smart laboratory-scale extrusion process model and simulator, to educate students on key aspects of Industry 4.0 themes including sensing, control, data acquisition, process simulation models, machine learning and prediction, and optimization through educational materials.
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
- Delivered Complete Controls Software Package for Extrusion Process Model
- Delivered Complete Communications Software Package to connect PLC and Extrusion Process Model to the cloud
- Delivered Complete Data Analysis Software Package
Factory 4.0 Educational Toolkit
Controls, Communication and Data Analysis Software Packages
8 hour Industry 4.0 Training Workshop

Potential Impact
- Immediate adoption of the tool kit in the state-wide programs
- Application to a broad range of engineering and other cross-discipline educational areas
- Educational platform modules can be easily developed for K-12 students in rapid fashion
- CESMII member access to software with published code and algorithms
- Community driven extension to the software platform and educational modules for all levels of students
- Enable similar manufacturing facilities to evaluate and apply learning from this program into its operations