Smart Manufacturing Skills Ladder for Undergraduates and Incumbent Workers

Project Lead: Finger Lakes Community College
Partners: Amatrol
Member % Cost Share: 51.15%
CESMII % Cost Share: 48.85%
Duration: 12 Months
Problem Statement
The development of SM workforce is severely limited due to lack readily adaptable educational resources. Adoption of SM techniques at Small & Medium Businesses can be kick-started through development of targeted co-op for community college students.
Project Goal
Develop basic, intermediate and advanced resources that can be used for educating students at community colleges and baccalaureate institutions. Accelerate adoption of SM techniques at small and medium size businesses through targeted co-op experiences.
Technical Approach
Finger Lakes Community College and Amatrol will collaborate to develop educational resources which can also be used by incumbent workers. The students at community college will be introduced to basic concepts and intermediate skills, whereas students at baccalaureate institution will be introduced to intermediate and advanced skills in use of sensors, data acquisition, data analytics, process modeling and control, digital twins, and industrial application of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence with the goal of improving quality at lower costs. We will be leveraging educational resources shared through prior CESMII educational projects, such as those developed through MIT/PSU collaboration.
Key Tasks & Milestones
Data Sources and Analytics M1.3
System Control and Modeling M2.3
IIoT, Digital Twins, Predictive Analytics and Industrial Cyber Security M3.3
Connected Workers M4.3
Six case studies of adoption of SM techniques at Small and Medium Size Businesses through customized co-ops opportunities for students M5.3

Potential Impact
Through CESMII the resources will be available to businesses for training of incumbent workers. Workforce development with faster learning curve will be achieved through development of targeted SM co-ops matching needs in small and medium size business.
Full potential of SM R&D will be realized through SM skills ladders from incumbent workers to students at community colleges and baccalaureate institutions. Engagement with small and medium size businesses will generate data for use-case/scenarios for:
- Workforce development
- Informing SM initiatives for interoperable standards
- Democratizing SM