Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform Azure IoT Bridge

Project Lead: ThinkIQ, Inc
Member % Cost Share: 50%
CESMII % Cost Share: 50%
Duration: 7 Months
Problem Statement
There is currently a divergence between IoT suppliers while the users are looking for convergence and interoperability. While Azure IoT Central is delivering capabilities that are attractive to a wide set of users, it is unlikely to reach the same Smart Manufacturing depth delivered by SMIP.
Project Goal
- Manage connectivity to Azure IoT Central
- Read and write Device Templates
- Read and write Devices
- Read and write Continuous Data
Technical Approach
- The functionality will be implemented by connecting SMIP to Azure IoT through the Azure IoT Central API.
- The SMIP Information Model Editor and Model Storage will be enhanced to configure integration with Azure IoT Central.
- Azure IoT Devices integrated with SMIP will get access to all the relevant services offered by SMIP such as the SMIP Historian and the scripting.
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
Completed Requirements Document for the Bridge between Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) and Azure IoT Central
Developed Read/Write Functionality to pass data between SMIP and Azure IoT Central
Developed Software Documentation
Delivered Source Code
Training Video
- Bridge to integrate Azure IoT with the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP)

Potential Impact
- The SMIP will become valuable to manufacturers that have already started integration with Azure IoT Central. This will benefit both SMB as well as larger enterprises.
- CESMII SMIP users will be able to extend their application to include all the services offered by Azure IoT Central.
- Combining IT, IoT, and OT data will provide more value to both types of data in the form of common context and more data with meaning, the effects are multiplicative (not just additive).
The SMIP Azure IoT Bridge builds on top of the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform and leverages the existing capabilities in SMIP. As such, it will strengthen the SMIPs position and attractiveness to the CESMII members.