Smart Manufacturing for Small and Medium Manufacturers in a Predominantly Hispanic Workforce Region

Project Lead: University of Texas at El Paso
Partners: Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC), Becton Dickinson and Company, Schneider Electric, Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Delfingen, Keats
Member % Cost Share: 50.02%
CESMII % Cost Share: 49.98%
Duration: 12 Months
Problem Statement
Need to align reconfiguring factories with engineering colleges and technical schools that develop a new SM curriculum to better prepare graduates underrepresented groups for a SM work environment.
Project Goal
To create a SM curriculum and certificate program to attract and grow a SM educated workforce, particularly across a minority group (Hispanic), to help achieve the CESMII goal of ‘participation of underrepresented groups’ in the institute.
Technical Approach
To develop a SM educated Hispanic workforce this proposal will leverage a regional industry, government, and academia partnership for addressing the SM competency based needs to produce a technical workforce with the necessary skill set to implement SM
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
- Delivered Complete 5 Course Smart Manufacturing Certificate Curriculum
- Engaged with 19 Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers on Smart Manufacturing Certification
- 5 Course Smart Manufacturing Certificate Curriculum

Potential Impact
Metrics and Expected Outcomes:
- Courses developed: 5
- # of Seminars, Workshops, Conference: 5, 2, 1
- Expected Outreach – Engineering Students: 800
- Outreach K-12 – UTEPEXCITES: 100
- SM Courses – Registered Students: 125
- SM Certificate Students: 25
- Industry Use Cases Researched: 4
- Industry Partners Outreach: 20
- Increase number of SM trained engineers
- Increase Industry deployment through hands-on exemplar use cases research
- Increase SM educated workforce to address future manufacturing needs
- Increase SM supply chain by active promotion and outreach in the region