Smart Manufacturing Workforce Development Model

Project Lead: El Camino College
Partners: University of California Berkeley, California State University Northridge, University of California Los Angeles, Atollogy, Autodesk, Aerospace, Honeywell, University of California Irvine, University of Southern California
Member % Cost Share: 61%
CESMII % Cost Share: 39%
Duration: 24 Months
Problem Statement
Lack of tools available to assess a business’s readiness to adopt SM technologies and availability of corresponding education and training programs across the country.
Project Goal
To develop a SM Workforce Model that leverages existing education and workforce training systems to develop the workforce needed for SM.
Technical Approach
This program will be designed so that any curriculum, training component, or business development tool developed can easily be adopted and customized by organizations nation-wide.
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
Delivered complete national inventory of existing Smart Manufacturing Education and Workforce Development programs.
Delivered training module models focused on an incumbent workforce.
Delivered curriculum modules for high school, community college and university systems.
Delivered Smart Manufacturing Post-Bachelor certificate curriculum and standard.
Delivered Smart Manufacturing content for Chemical Engineering degree program.
Smart Manufacturing Training Modules for an incumbent workforce.
High School, Community College, and University Smart Manufacturing Curriculum Modules.
Smart Manufacturing Post-Bachelor Certificate curriculum.
Smart Manufacturing content for Chemical Engineering degree program.

Potential Impact
- Once the curriculum is available, the number of SM educated and trained workers will increase and companies will be more likely to adopt SM technologies
- An educational program throughout California that can be replicated at no-or-low cost across the country.
- A bridge to spread information between K-12 districts, community colleges, and 4-year universities –systems that are already well funded
- Creation of tools needed for adoption of SM curriculum at all levels of education and training
- A modular and customizable system so where any curriculum, training component, or business development tools can be easily adopted and customized by organizations nationwide
- User-friendly software allowing engineers to use without extensive control systems knowledge