Upskilling SMMs to be CESMII-ready in under 6 Months

Project Lead: G-W Process Optimization
Member % Cost Share: 50%
CESMII % Cost Share: 50%
Duration: 6 Months
Problem Statement
SMMs are hesitant and slow to adopt modern, Smart Manufacturing at their facilities for perceived reasons relating to cost, disruption of operations, time to see benefits, data security, and doubts of a long-term solution. These SMMs, constituting the majority of the manufacturing companies and workforce, lack an understanding of the benefits of SM. When provided with intuitive SM tools, however, these factories can embrace SM and accrue its productivity benefits.
Project Goal
To build on the successful, Innovation Award-winning SOPO #2.3.31 project – that upskilled the SMM to CESMII-readiness in < 6 months. We plan to upskill three Not-Yet- Modern (NYMs) SMMs and their MEPs, providing them with essential analytics-intuition and the tools to capitalize on the benefits of SM. In particular: real-time data-driven decision-making. Key: build momentum in-house by a succession of well-done projects, previously impossible; now, the SM norm.
Technical Approach
- Follow the Wind4 Best Practices method at each selected MEP and SMM; start with adding sensors.
- Create SM Profiles for relevant assets; create instance of CESMII SMIP to stream sensor data to SMIP
- Generate a predictive algorithm – Status/Warning/Help to determine effects on throughput and quality
- Integrate prediction model with SMIP and test
- Create dashboards for visualization of data obtained from the assets; verify integrated operation
- Quantify impacts from implementation of SM solutions; make recommendations; migrate to Marketplace
Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace
To be listed at project completion.

Potential Impact
- Upskilling of staff at 2 SMMs to be able to apply SM techniques to solve an important problem
- Short-term bottom-line benefits from throughput increases, reduced rework/waste, energy savings,
leading to permanent acceptance of SM methods. - Broad market utilization via Marketplace availability of profiled assets
- Reusable SM Profiles and Marketplace-ready prediction Apps for energy-intensive industries
- 3 industry use case success stories to prove CESMII SM benefits can be realized by SMMs
- Wider dissemination reaches to SMMs via participating MEPs and the NIST network in 50 states
- A funnel-method for CESMII participation as NYMs transform to Cloud-based, SM entities