SM Interoperability Platform


What is the Smart Manufacturing Interoperability Platform?

The Smart Manufacturing Interoperability Platform is an example of our interoperability solution to deliver Industrial Plug and Play to all of industry – discrete, hybrid and process.  The platform provides secure connectivity to your equipment and processes, and adds valuable context, so that applications can access your information intelligently and in an assisted or automated way. 

The key technology in the platform is the concept of Profiles, the standards CESMII is creating to contextually describe sensors, equipment and processes, as well as the ability to create semantics for your data, showing how variables relate to each other.  The combination of these new concepts in context, will enable the holy grail, the ability to define new systems, without the need for extensive middleware configuration or infrastructure maintenance and management.

SMIP Core Capabilities


Ability to connect to different data sources

Data Ingestion

Ability to acquire/capture data

Data Contextualization

Ability to organize data into a structured form

Secure Data Management

Ability to securely store, access, retrieve, exchange the structured data

Workflow Orchestration

Ability to orchestrate data movement between OT components


Ability for OT components to access/interact with the structured data

Platform Management

Ability to create instances of the platform for creating solutions


Ability for applications to be integrated into the platform for use in developing solutions

Getting Started: Smart Manufacturing Interoperability Platform

Developers Guide To: Smart Manufacturing Interoperability Platform

Technology Resources

Explore videos, code samples, demos and documentation for interacting with the CESMII Smart Manufacturing Interoperability Platform.
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