THE Home of Smart Manufacturing
January 2020 Newsletter
March 3-5, 2020
UCLA @ Los Angeles
New Decade.
New Outlook on Innovation.
CESMII’s 2020 Annual Meeting is a must-attend event, if you’re involved in the business of Smart Manufacturing.
It’s essential we cultivate a more collaborative and open approach to Smart Manufacturing that both OT and IT can rally around. This approach will help us propel your ideas, your innovation, your research from a one-off or a vendor-specific solution to a solution that can simply and cost-effectively scale. And – together – we are uniquely positioned to empower it.
Our CESMII ecosystem is driving openness AND interoperability AND collaboration in ways no individual organization can do on its own. That’s why we need as many people as possible at our event to contribute to our ecosystem and why I know you’ll find value in attending.
Registration and full session, training and workshop details are posted on our
Are you a Small to Medium Sized business?
And would like to attend our Annual Meeting and learn more about CESMII and Smart Manufacturing? Contact and ask how you can get your Non-Member Registration fee of $295 waived!
CESMII has been busy planning and executing a variety of valuable project offerings with our members. Awardee and NOI announcements are expected next month. Meanwhile, here’s our latest updates:
Application Projects
- Concept Papers were submitted to CESMII in December for consideration to prove the value and viability of applying institute-approved Smart Manufacturing technologies. We are in the process of obtaining final DOE approval for these projects.
RFP2 – Wave 1 Awards
- RFP-2, Wave- 1 projects are focused on Enabling R&D technologies. Selection committees have completed extensive evaluations and submitted their recommendations to Department of Energy (DOE) for final approval.
RFP2 – Wave 2 White Paper Evaluations & Notifications
- RFP2 – Wave 2 is focused on Education & Workforce Development (EWD). Roughly two dozen white papers were submitted by the January 13, 2020 deadline and have been evaluated by CESMII leadership.
RFP2 – Wave 3 Notice of Intent (NOI)
- RFP2 – Wave 3 will focus on Innovation projects that bring rapid value to manufacturers and Platform capability projects to advance platform technologies for Smart Manufacturing. A Notice of Intent will lay out all areas-of-interest, timelines and project requirements.
Project plans and updates will feature prominently at our 2020 Annual Meeting. Plan to attend to learn more and talk directly with the project teams.
Smart Manufacturing Congressional Briefing
CESMII/UCLA and The Council on Competitiveness will provide a Congressional briefing on February 26, 2020. Representatives will be on Capitol Hill to discuss a report issued by The Council and UCLA/CESMII (on policy prescriptions that accelerate the democratization of Smart Manufacturing and address how to drive national manufacturing competitiveness through broad-scale SM adoption. The briefing will be a moderated discussion amongst panelists representing a cross-industry perspective on achieving those goals, including issues pertaining to cybersecurity and workforce development.
The briefing will take place @ 2325 Rayburn House Office Building.
to Rob Schoenthaler, CEO & Founder of Atollogy Inc?
Mark your calendars for CESMII’s next webcast in our on-going series!
On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 @ 11:30am Eastern/8:30am Pacific, our guest will be Atollogy, Inc CEO & Founder, Rob Schoenthaler will be our guest as we explore “
What Does Smart Manufacturing Look Like?”
to him.
Join CESMII in this on-going webcast series as we engage the entire US Manufacturing ecosystem in regular, 20-minute discussions about what Smart Manufacturing is, what it isn’t, who’s finding value, who’s falling behind and anything else that is important to you.
What Does Smart Manufacturing Look Like to
Michelle Pastel, Sr Manager, Industry 4.0 @ Corning?
Watch our most recent webcast and find out, as Michelle discusses the importance of tying Smart Manufacturing to Corning’s most fundamental business needs.
Did you know you can still view this web series on our YouTube channel?
In case you missed the previous webcasts, click below to view.
SME Seeking Nominations for Smart Manufacturing Faculty Influencers
Application Deadline for the SME’s inaugural Smart Manufacturer’s Faculty Influencers is quickly approaching! The issue will be published in June 2020 and will feature faculty members that have made significant contributions and/or discoveries that are considered breakthroughs within the Manufacturing Industry.
Application Deadline is February 10, 2020
ASTM Seeking Papers for Special Issue on Cybersecurity for the Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem
Abstracts are invited for papers to be featured in the ASTM International journal
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems (SSMS)
for a special issue on Cybersecurity for the Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem; topics to include but not limited to cyber security infrastructure and strategy for smart manufacturing value chains, supply chains and ecosystems which are characterized by interoperable and interconnected operation and execution systems, automation and smart worker-in-the-loop paradigm.
A 250-word preliminary abstract with a title and the names and affiliations of all authors should be submitted to ASTM by
November 15, 2020.
CESMII is the United States’ national institute on Smart Manufacturing, entrusted to make one thing happen – make Smart Manufacturing a reality for everyone who touches American manufacturing. Our ecosystem is inclusive by design, and everyone has a role to play. Come find yours!
February 3-6, 2020 – CESMII Member Larry Megan to present at ARC Industry Forum
- Listen to Larry Megan as he presents, “War Stories from the Front Lines of Smart Manufacturing”.
February 11, 2020 – Atollogy Open House and Networking Event
- Join us at Atollogy, a CESMII partner, for an Open House and Networking event. See their Smart Manufacturing Demo Center in action.
February 12, 2020 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing Web Series
- Rob Schoenthaler, CEO & Founder of Atollogy, Inc., shares his views on “What Smart Manufacturing ‘Looks Like’” from his personal and professional perspective.
February 26, 2020 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing Web Series
- Meet guest Sudarsan Rachuri, Technology Manager, US Department of Energy, as we explore “What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like?”.
February 26, 2020 – Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill
- CESMII CEO John Dyck and UCLA PI im Davis will be on Capitol Hill to discuss a report issued by The Council on Competitiveness and UCLA/CESMII on policy prescriptions that accelerate the democratization of Smart Manufacturing and address how to drive national manufacturing competitiveness through broad-scale SM adoption.
March 3-5, 2020 – CESMII Annual Meeting
10250 Constellation Boulevard, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007613.
Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Niether the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness