The Smart Manufacturing Roadshow: Massachussetts
May 9, 2024Time
8:00 AM - 3:00 PMVenue
Polar Park DCU Club LevelLocation
100 Madison Street, Worcester, MA, 01608, Venue Google Map Link
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MassMEP is proud to present Manufacturing Your Future Smart Manufacturing, “Navigating Advanced Technologies in the Workforce” is a journey of continued improvement & innovation through advanced technologies, process enhancements and integrated information that provides manufacturing companies a competitive advantage. This event is for Massachusetts manufacturers to come together, take a deep dive through the components of advanced technologies in the workforce and the importance of building a roadmap in Workforce & smart manufacturing to remain competitive and see direct impacts to the bottom line.
Manufacturers across Massachusetts looking to network, learn, and explore growth opportunities with Smart Manufacturing should attend.
Maryland MEP, in partnership with CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, presents this educational workshop on Smart Manufacturing, an essential endeavor for securing the future prosperity of your industrial operations.
Manufacturing USA Institutes take on South by Southwest in Austin, TX!