Automotive Smart ManufacturingX USA

Automotive Smart ManufacturingX USA

Automotive Smart Manufacturing 4.0 USA empowers automotive manufacturers with the tools and connections needed to future-proof their businesses. Discover cutting-edge technologies and innovative processes that reduce downtime, provide powerful operational insights, and boost productivity. Gain a competitive edge and ensure your manufacturing operations thrive in an evolving digitally intelligent landscape.

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2:00 PM | PANEL

USCAR Roadmap For Automotive Smart Manufacturing – Navigating The Future Of Automotive Manufacturing
MODERATOR: Manbir Singh, Digital Transformation Leader – Automotive, Kyndryl

  • Aaron K. Dunlap, ME Tech Fellow, Manufacturing Execution Systems-Architect ME Vehicle Systems – General Motors
  • Fernando Bera, Engineering Supervisor –  ZF Group
  • Michael Flynn, Data Science, Analytics, & Product Management –  RIVIAN
  • Michael Bastian, Advanced and Digital Engineering Manager, Ford
  • Connected Workforce and IT Infrastructure: Learn about the importance of fostering a connected workforce and modernizing manufacturing IT infrastructure to improve productivity and resilience in the automotive sector.
  • Smart Manufacturing Mindset: Understand the principles of a Smart Manufacturing Mindset™ that align education, workforce development, and continuous improvement strategies to create data-driven cultures.
  • Data-Driven Operations: Discover strategies for using data to empower employees and inform real-time operations and long-term resource planning, enhancing business orchestration and decision-making.
  • Collaboration and Innovation: Explore how to enable innovation through data interoperability and open interfaces, eliminating data silos and vendor lock-in to reduce complexity and improve efficiency.

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