
CESMII is about transformation made possible by collaboration. At our very essence is bringing together individuals, organizations and technologies to create one greater good. With membership, comes additional opportunities for collaboration an access our network of valuable resources. 

SM Innovation Centers (SMICs)

SMICs are a network of industry-centric centers-of-excellence throughout the U.S. focused on leading that industry’s ecosystem in the field of SM.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups, hosted by CESMII, offer networking opportunities for manufacturers in vertical markets, or with common applications.

MEP Network

Manufacturing Extension Partnership is a public-private partnership with centers nationwide serving small and medium-sized manufacturers

Event Calendar

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The Urgent Need for a National Smart Manufacturing Plan

The Urgent Need for a National Smart Manufacturing Plan

At the encouragement of Congress, and based on the national imperative and need to address smart manufacturing challenges, the Department of Engineering sponsored the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAE) to commission an official study called “Options for National Plan on Smart Technology Development and Deployment.” A committee, comprised of a cross-section of industry, academia and non-profits was appointed by NAE to help develop the study recommendations which will inform policy, funding, and potential legislation. Over the past month, 3 separate workshops have taken place to gather information

This week, CESMII CEO John Dyck had the opportunity to present in the Workshop on the Broader Impacts of Smart Manufacturing focusing on the Top 5 Challenges faced by US Manufacturing on our current trajectory.
In the article, featured in Issue 13 of Tech-Exec, Jeff discusses the rise of Smart Manufacturing, using digital technologies to add value and the importance of partner ecosystems in driving innovation.

SAS joins CESMII to accelerate the adoption of analytics and AI

SAS joins CESMII to accelerate the adoption of analytics and AI

More and more top manufacturers use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and streaming analytics from SAS, the leader in analytics, to transform operations and better serve customers. SAS has joined CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, to further promote the use of advanced analytics across manufacturing.