
CESMII is about transformation made possible by collaboration. At our very essence is bringing together individuals, organizations and technologies to create one greater good. With membership, comes additional opportunities for collaboration an access our network of valuable resources. 

SM Innovation Centers (SMICs)

SMICs are a network of industry-centric centers-of-excellence throughout the U.S. focused on leading that industry’s ecosystem in the field of SM.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups, hosted by CESMII, offer networking opportunities for manufacturers in vertical markets, or with common applications.

MEP Network

Manufacturing Extension Partnership is a public-private partnership with centers nationwide serving small and medium-sized manufacturers

Event Calendar

View our upcoming events.
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Smart Manufacturing Architecture & Technologies Workshop

Smart Manufacturing Architecture & Technologies Workshop

A Smart Manufacturing Systems Architecture ‘Primer’ for all stakeholders involved in the development and/or implementation of software for manufacturing operations. This workshop, now available on-demand, is hosted by some of the world’s leading experts in manufacturing data engineering, comprises all the core architecture and technology strategies essential to developing/implementing interoperability-enabled Smart Manufacturing platforms and solutions.