September 2022 Newsletter
THE Smart Manufacturing Marketplace
We’re growing daily.
The SM Marketplace is where end users and manufacturers can find smart manufacturing solutions to jumpstart their Industrie 4.0 journey. Our members across multiple industry verticals have expertly curated all the listings in our SM Marketplace.
We currently have 4 SM Hardware, 7 SM Apps and 60+ SM Profiles in the Marketplace
Debunking the Top 5 Challenges to Implementing a SM Strategy
John Dyck, CESMII CEO & Jake Hall, The Manufacturing Millenial, Business Development Manager at Feyen Zylstra took the stage in the SME Smart Manufacturing Experience. The duo discussed outcomes of the 2022 Smart Manufacturing Market Survey conducted by CESMII & SME and polled the audience about their biggest hurdles when it comes to implementing industry 4.0.
The results of the 2022 Smart Manufacturing Market Survey can be found here.
How CESMII is Driving Innovation Through Projects with Harry Grewal from Litmus
Are you curious about funding and completing a project through one of the 16 Manufacturing USA institutes? CESMII & member company Litmus and dive into what goes on behind the scenes within the project proposals, timelines and the potential for real-world, reusable and purposeful outcomes fueling our effort to democratize Smart Manufacturing.
We were thrilled to connect and exhibit alongside these global organizations and
continue our mission of standards harmonization to advance US Manufacturing.
The Data Journey from Machines to Information Models, Analytics and SM Apps with the SMIP
An education presentation on the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform (SMIP) taking you through examples of the data journey from machines to Information Models, Analytics and SM Apps with the SMIP.
Smart Manufacturing Strategic Pivot and Roadmap Building Steps
In this presentation by Conrad Leiva, VP of Ecosystem and Workforce education at CESMII, we discuss why it is so important for manufacturers to consider Smart Manufacturing and why it should be considered it as part of your business strategy. We show some of the benefits documented by industry leaders and how you can take the step of developing or reevaluating your technology-enabled business strategy by leveraging the tools that CESMII is providing to you to assess business practices, explore different next steps, and establish a strategic Smart Manufacturing roadmap.
El Camino College in Partnership with CADENCE and CESMII present: SMART Manufacturing – Make Your Manufacturing More Profitable
Meet industry experts who will discuss smart manufacturing best practices for small and medium-size businesses. Talk to industry experts, see technologies in action and participate in hands-on demonstrations that will help expand your knowledge of SMART Manufacturing/Industry 4.0. Learn about quick wins you can bring back to your factory. The event will also provide:
- Vendor Showroom
- Continental breakfast and lunch
- Ask the Experts Table
- Great networking opportunities
- Free Parking
Space is limited. Register now – there is no cost to register.
The 15th Anniversary of Smart Manufacturing
On the 15th anniversary of Smart Manufacturing, co-founder Jim Davis celebrates the people, partnerships, and events that led to Smart Manufacturing as a national priority. The paper takes us from Smart Manufacturing’s beginnings, to how CESMII (the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute sponsored by DOE) came into being, and to CESMII as a key public-private partnership for catalyzing Smart Manufacturing’s broad impact on global competitiveness and environmental sustainability throughout U.S. manufacturing.
How to Architect a
Smart Manufacturing System for Success
A presentation by Jonathan Wise, Chief Technology Architect at CESMII, on emergent best practices for data definitions, extraction, transport, and storage. Guidelines for policies, practices, and decisions that form the backbone of an expandable SM architecture. The discussion goes into architecture, protocols, and standards. Jonathan uses examples including code to illustrate these practices in action.
Calling all Project Participants
We’ve updated the projects page on our website to serve you better. If you have use cases or success stories that have come from a funded project – email to have it added on the site.
Visit for more information
Oshkosh joins CESMII to learn more about leading edge technology research on integration and communication protocols for shop floor equipment/processes/systems. They would like to discover new ways of integrating equipment and data collection technologies, reduce their carbon footprint of their factories and saving energy, and learn training methods for smart manufacturing and clean energy programs for their engineering teams.
Do you know someone interested in becoming a CESMII Member?
Rockwell Automation Joins CESMII
“We’re thrilled to have a market maker like Rockwell Automation join us to help advance the adoption of smart manufacturing across the U.S. manufacturing base,” said John Dyck, CESMII CEO.” Because of their expertise in workforce development and sustainable manufacturing, Rockwell will be a welcome ally in our efforts to democratize smart manufacturing.”
Smart Manufacturing for All
Augmented reveals the stories behind the new era of industrial operations, where technology will restore the agility of frontline workers. In episode 17 of the podcast (@AugmentedPod), the topic is: Smart Manufacturing for All. Our guest is John Dyck, CEO at CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute.
In this conversation, we talked about democratizing smart manufacturing, the history and ambition of CESMII (2016-), bridging the skills gap in small and medium enterprises which constitute 98% of manufacturing. We discuss how the integration of advanced sensors, data, platforms and controls to radically impact manufacturing performance. We then have the hard discussion of why the US is (arguably) a laggard? John shares the 7 characteristics of future-proofing (interoperability, openness, sustainability, security, etc.). We hear about two coming initiatives: Smart Manufacturing Executive Council & Smart Manufacturing Innovation Platform. We then turn to the future outlook over the next decade.
Event Schedule
We are looking forward to attending, exhibiting and speaking at more industry events in 2022.
See what conferences are on our radar for the year and let us know if you have an event we should consider attending. Please contact
2022 Affinity Group Meeting Schedule
What is an Affinity Group? A group of CESMII members with an interest in a particular manufacturing sector or a technology horizontal. We hold monthly meetings that are intended for members to bring their abilities, capabilities, and interests to engage CESMII resources & strategies as needed to address the sector or problem.
Already a member? Be sure to mark your calendars with the dates above!
Interested in joining one of our Affinity Groups?
It’s New. Do you like it?
We’ve launched a beta version of
We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions to
further improve the CESMII experience.
The first 2 users to find the “Easter Egg” will be
sent some one-of-a-kind CESMII swag.
Do you have information you’d like to share with us or the broader
CESMII ecosystem? If so, please get in touch with us!