Data Modeling for Smart Aerospace Additive Manufacturing

Project Lead: Honeywell
Partners: MORF3D, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Missouri University Science &Technology, Identify 3D, KAM

Member % Cost Share: 36%
CESMII % Cost Share: 64%
Duration: 18 Months

Problem Statement

Challenges in contextualization of the enormous amounts of data in a meaningful timeframe in data modeling including gathering of right data; real-time data collection scalability; application of right machine learning tools; interoperability; interactions between edge and cloud; connectivity of smart factory to office; office/factory to cloud; cloud services which connect back with the office; factory and the worker/process engineer.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to develop technologies on data modeling, machine learning and data-centric analytics for smart Aerospace additive manufacturing and to implement these innovations using data from working Aerospace manufacturing facilities.

Technical Approach

Accelerate the implementation of critical data modeling for machine learning and data-centric analytics into Smart Manufacturing (SM) technologies for aerospace. The project will implement these innovations using data from working Aerospace manufacturing facilities.

Deliverables/Outcomes/SM Marketplace

  • Machine Learning Toolkit
  • Machine Learning Models

    Potential Impact

    • Improve AM process development monitoring and build efficiencies reducing the need for multiple development iterations to establish acceptable build parameters
    • Energy usage will be reduced as development cycles are eliminated
    • Additive Manufacturing (AM) as an affordable alternative to more traditional, energy-intensive part manufacturing processes, reducing overall US manufacturing energy consumption
    • This program will enable the large data sets currently being created by AM equipment to be utilized to develop actionable insights and make affordable AM part build processes


    • D2ML addresses secure, scalable, and interoperable on premise, edge, and off-premise cloud-technology integration
    • Application across aerospace industry
    • Help new AM startups accelerate their AM product expansion through SM technologies

    Leverage project outcomes for your manufacturing operations

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