CESMII Presents Views on Education Curriculum Development at the HITech Conference


HITechCESMII – The US Smart Manufacturing Institute (one of the Manufacturing USA Institutes) has developed a roadmap for skills and training on Smart Manufacturing. This session presents an outline of potential learning modules with the goal of recruiting more community colleges to this endeavor. Topics include Smart Manufacturing concepts and principles; IIoT, digital twins, edge and cloud computing; data capture, sensors, actuators, and data visualization; connected augmented worker, and human machine collaboration; process modeling, performance and energy optimization, predictive analysis, and artificial intelligence tools; big data analysis, complex problem solving, root-cause analysis, and continuous improvement; digital supply chain; industrial cybersecurity, risk assessment and business continuity. It is presented by Sam Samanta, Professor of Physics, Finger Lakes Community College, Victor, NY; Conrad Leiva, Director of Ecosystem and Workforce Education, CESMII – The Smart Manufacturing Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

See the 30 Minute Joint Presesentation On Demand

Link to the Conference and Sessions