THE Home of Smart Manufacturing
December 2019 Newsletter
CESMII Annual Meeting
March 3-5, 2020
Do NOT Miss This Event!
A lot of positive things happened within CESMII in 2019 – and a lot more are planned for 2020!
Make your plans to attend our Annual Meeting on the campus of UCLA in early March to hear all the news and figure out where you fit in our growing ecosystem:
- Spend a full day on Wednesday, March 4th hearing from CESMII members and leaders about our progress, programs and plans*.
- Member project teams will share their experiences, and there will be plenty of networking and interaction with contributors and leaders.
- Participate in a morning full of interactive workshops on topics and initiatives critical to CESMII members on Thursday, March 5th.
- Members Only: join pre-event training classes on Tuesday afternoon, March 3rd.
*Registration and full session, training and workshop details will be posted on our website in early January. In the meantime, you can book your hotel room at the
UCLA Guest House’ today.
Contact the hotel directly
at (310) 825-2923.
and let them know
you are booking for the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute block of rooms in March.
Rooms must be booked by February 4th, 2020.
Open Project Call:
Education & Workforce Development RFP Released
On December 5
, CESMII released RFP-2, Wave 2 – an open call seeking proposals for Education & Workforce Development (EWD) projects. Click
to access all supporting resources for this project call and contribute to this important work. Submit questions to
White Paper Deadline Submission is January 13, 2020
Submit Application Project Ideas to Access
CESMII Technologies
CESMII continues to seek proposals for Application Projects, which are showcase, demonstration and/or validation projects that use CESMII developed technologies, training and SM Platform™ infrastructure to solve specific manufacturing challenges.
To learn more about how your organization can benefit from an Application Project, visit our
IIoT in a Future State Environment:
Working on your Smart Manufacturing strategy? Digital Transformation?
John Dyck, Keynote Address at DMC 2019
Making Manufacturing Smarter
a Manufacturing Technology Insights
from Haresh Malkani, CTO @ CESMII
“A manufacturer who is looking to make their production smart, is looking for the ability to sense information from their manufacturing environment.”
Read more of Dr. Malkani’s definition and perspective on making ALL manufacturing smart.
CESMII CEO: How CESMII’s Technology
will Advance Manufacturing
to Larry Megan, R&D Director @ Praxair
Mark your calendars for CESMII’s next webcast in our on-going series!
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 @ 11:30am Eastern/8:30am Pacific, our guest will be Larry Megan, Praxair’s Director of R&D as we explore “
What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like?”
to him.
Join CESMII in this on-going webcast series as we engage the entire US Manufacturing ecosystem in regular, 20-minute discussions about what Smart Manufacturing is, what it isn’t, who’s finding value, who’s falling behind and anything else that is important to you.
Want to share your views and be a guest on an upcoming webcast? Email Mike Yost (
) to submit your name or recommend others whose voice you feel should be heard. With so many diverse perspectives in our ecosystem, we want to welcome them all!
Did you know you can still view this web series on our YouTube channel?
In case you missed the previous webcasts, click below to view.
MathWorks – FREE Software
and Support
CESMII’s partnership with MathWorks entitles our members to one-year free access to the products and services below:
- Simulink®,
- Nearly 100 Add-on Products for specializes tasks such as machine learning, data analysis, image processing, etc.,
- Technical, Installation and Customer Support.
For more information on how to access your free licensed software, please contact
Hurry Before this Offer Expires!!
MESA International – Free & Discounted Online Smart Manufacturing Training
Offer expires December 31, 2019!
If you haven’t already redeemed your free Smart Manufacturing online training courses, contact David Corcio (
) today to get your online code and to learn how to get additional, discounted seats for your colleagues.
CESMII is the United States’ national institute on Smart Manufacturing, entrusted to make one thing happen – make Smart Manufacturing a reality for everyone who touches American manufacturing. Our ecosystem is inclusive by design, and everyone has a role to play. Come find yours!
January 8, 2019 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing Web Series
Larry Megan, R&D Director, Praxair, shares his views on “
What Smart Manufacturing ‘Looks Like’”
from his personal and professional perspective
January 22, 2019 – 6 Degrees of Smart Manufacturing Web Series
Meet guest Michelle Pastel, Senior Director, Industry 4.0, Corning, as we explore “
What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like?”
to her.
March 3-5, 2020 – CESMII Annual Meeting
10250 Constellation Boulevard, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007613.
Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Niether the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness